- Audio / Video Equipment which require serial communication (
A Custom program in your equipment is required)
- Home automation applications
- Portable equipment
- Computer control program
- MP3 players in MS Windows 98/2000
Notes: This infrared receiver was developed for the application
where an infrared remote is desired to control a computer or computer
program. This unit can also be used to control many devices that
have serial communication ability. You can use many remotes supplied
by others or provided by us. This unit can also decode many codes
from a universal remote. With a universal remote you can control
another unit such as a TV and your unit. such as a SETTOP BOX with
the same remote. By using the universal remote in this application
you can have access to many different televisions with the same
remote. Custom Remote Systems, Inc. can design a custom Universal
remote control for your Equipment. Software for the PC program to
use this receiver can be very simple. You just scan the serial port
for only the address and key code you want to operate your equipment
and reject all others. This also allow the control of many different
applications with the same receiver.
The Receiver will decode and present to the serial port all codes,
which follow the same format. This gives you approximately 65000
codes to use. If you already have a Customer ID code from NEC you
can use your existing remote control.
Output formats
This is an output packet for the IR2PC ver3
8 bytes at 9600 baud, data=8, stop=1, parity=none
byte 1 ASCII encoded MSn of first ID byte, ID1 (0-9,A-F)
byte 2 ASCII encoded LSn of first ID byte, ID1
byte 2 ASCII encoded MSn of first ID byte, ID2
byte 3 ASCII encoded LSn of first ID byte, ID2
byte 4 ASCII encoded MSn of first ID byte key code, FNCODE (0-9,A-F)
byte 5 ASCII encoded LSn of first ID byte key code, FNCODE
byte 6 CR (0x0D)
byte 7 LF (0x0A)
The IR2pc Version 6 send only 2 Bytes of information
for every key press.
The code this unit reacts to is fixed. It will only react to the
NEC remote we hard code it for.
A carrage return and line feed can be added to the output.
This is an output packet for the IR2PC ver6
8 bytes at 9600 baud, data=8, stop=1, parity=none
byte 1 ASCII encoded MSn of first ID byte, ID1 (0-9,A-F)
byte 2 ASCII encoded LSn of first ID byte,
byte 6 CR (0x0D) (optional)
byte 7 LF (0x0A) (optional)
RC5-IR2PC Ver2: Will decode all RC5 remotes control
The code it then presented to the serial port as:
7 Bytes at 9600 baud, data=8, stop=1, parity=none
byte 1 ASCII encoded MSn of first system byte, SYSTEM
byte 2 ASCII encoded LSn of first system, SYSTEM
byte 3 ASCII encoded MSn of first command, COMMAND
byte 4 ASCII encoded LSn of first command byte, COMMAND
byte 5 Repeat code - N for no repeat, R for repeat
byte 6 CR (0x0D)
byte 7 LF (0x0A)